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Hey you, Curvy!!!

Good morning girls and welcome back to the blog.  
Here I am starting to feel the cooler air, a prelude to the arrival of the autumn season.  
The month of September for me has always been the month of true beginnings, whether it be school, university, resuming work after holidays or meeting all the good intentions that I promise myself to keep.  
This year however, I didn't set one of my classic good resolutions because I already know that for "health" reasons I won't be able to go to the gym, however to try to keep fit I decided to eat well, eliminating any type of junk food. 
Often, however, this alone is not enough to have a body in which I feel comfortable, but fortunately for a few years I have known that bodyshapers come to my aid. So I started looking online and I came across a brand that I want you to know about, Curvy Faja. 
Each of us has weak points, small areas of the body that do not satisfy us 100%, whether it be the stomach, the hips or the thighs. And just wandering around the site I came across best faja for tummy control and in particular I selected one that you will see in the next photo.
Available in every size, from XS to XXXL, you can choose it in 5 colours, black, rosy brown, peru, white and beige. It offers total comfort for the entire time it is worn, reduces imperfections to a minimum, despite having a medium, easily bearable compression.
But that's not all, there are several products that I want to show you!!! What all women yearn for is to have a sinuous, modeled and sensual body; This is why I looked at curvy body shaper, which are products that shape our body, making us feel comfortable when we wear tight clothes with fabrics that slide on the skin.  
Also in this case there are many models, they meet the needs of every woman, both in terms of buttonings, sizes, colours, lengths... in short, everything!!! I'll show you what meets my needs. (363)

Also in this case available from size XS to XXXL, but the colors vary from the product I showed you before. Available in 5 colours, black, beige, tan, rosy brown and peru, the fabric is made of 30% spandex and the remaining 70% nylon, making it very comfortable in this case too.  
The front zip allows you to put it on and take it off easily, also in this case the compression allows you to shape especially the waist and stomach area. I particularly liked this model because it can be combined with our favorite bra.
I don't want to go on too long but I absolutely had to show you the next product. These are extreme tummy control shapewear and in this case too I have selected one.
This time I was struck by the shorts. As with all the other products, the available sizes range from XS to XXXL, but there are 6 colours, in fact a fantastic blue is added to the classics. I really liked these shoes for their lines and for the lace that rests on the thighs and waistline, making them not only practical but also very sexy.
All products are recommended both for large events, such as weddings, but also simply in the post-partum period or for the gym. I also point out that you can take advantage of a 30% discount on your first order. 
Alright ladies, that's all for that! As usual I send you a hug and I'll see you in the next post!


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Cosmetic review num. 368... Mac - Velvet Teddy Lipstick

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