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Saldi invernali!

Good afternoon to all girls,
This is a very interesting time of the year as the winter sales have just begun!
I have already done some damage both around the city and online.
I confess that I have already bought a dress, an elegant trousers and a pair of shoes.
What I could not find in stores but that I found online was a coat.

Browsing the Chicgostyle I found some outerwear that are hard to find in physical stores, especially if you do not want to spend a fortune.
In the A / W 2018-2019 collections, the coat became almost the protagonist of the outfit.
For a sexy and casual style (what I love most) just combine the right clothes, often available at good prices with the right accessories, and remember that it is not necessary to dare!

I show you immediately what I have chosen.
cute bodycon dresses, obviously black, short to high cultured. Simple, basic but very feminine.
Now, playing with shoes, women's outwear and accessories you can make the look more sensual or more sporty.
Starting right from the sportsman, we bring white sneakers and a parka, perhaps with fur, soft and enveloping, and a tall chignon and here is the look for the day.

If instead we wanted a more attractive look, it would be enough to associate a high boot up to the knee (this year they are really using a lot) and a voluminous mini fur, mini clutch and even in this case the outfit is ready !!

If you like, take a look at the prices of the products that I showed you, just to show you that it is not necessary to empty the wallet to get a style.

E voi cosa avete acquistato durante i saldi?
Più live o online?
Raccontatemi nei commenti!

Un abbraccio a tutte!

And what did you buy during the sales?
More live or online?
Tell me in the comments!
A hug to all!


  1. Ho comprato un paio di occhiali da sole di Michael Kors, da H&M un maglioncino, un vestitino, una t-shirt e un pacco enorme di calzini XD, mentre da Tezenis un pigiama super fluffoso e un altro vestitino! Mi rimane solo un ultimo desiderio: un bel cappotto!


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